Address: Flat1915,Du Hui Xuan Bldg.,Zhong Hang Road,Shenzhen China
Postcode: 518031
Telephone: 0086-755-83041979
Email: 34788816@QQ.COM
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You can choose one of the payment below when you place order: T/T (wire transfer),Westunion,Paypal. (Paypal when the total value below 1000USD or contact us to agree if have to choose paypal)
Information of the payee Westunion----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First name: ZHUO WU ,last name: FANG, City:SHEN ZHEN, Country:CHINA
Wire Transfer------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Address:1/F,Hang Du Bldg.,No.1006 Hua Fu Road,Shenzhen,China Post Code: 518031 BANK: BANK OF CHINA SWIFT CODE: BKCHCNBJ45A Band Account: 6217852000004510742 Payee Name: FANG ZHUO WU (FIRST NAME: ZHUO WU, LAST NAME: FANG )
Pls notify us after you finish the payment. Email:34788816@QQ.COM or Skype:FAIRSZ@OUTLOOK.COM, when the payment confirmed, we will arrange ,and ship within 5 days ( usually with 3 days).